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Facebook pays $10 million to settle ad suit

Facebook will pay $10 million to settle a lawsuit from users who claimed their names, images and other information were improperly used in advertising described as "sponsored stories," court documents showed.

France extradites alleged credit card trafficker to US

France has extradited to the United States a 27-year-old Russian alleged to be one of the world's most prolific traffickers in stolen credit card information, the Justice Department said.

Court won't reduce student's music download fine

(AP) -- The Supreme Court has refused to take up a Boston University student's constitutional challenge to a $675,000 penalty for illegally downloading 30 songs and sharing them on the Internet.

NY judge wants to hear victims in cyberbully case

(AP) -- A judge delayed the sentencing of an eyewear website operator who intimidated customers, saying he first wants to hear testimony from dozens of victims who reported they were threatened with violence, including murder ...

Experts unlike ruling in Facebook speech case

(AP) -- The "like" button on Facebook seems like a relatively clear way to express your support for something, but a federal judge says that doesn't mean clicking it is constitutionally protected speech.

Celebrity hacker pleads guilty in US court deal

A 35-year-old computer hacker pleaded guilty Monday to breaking into the email accounts of stars including Scarlett Johansson and Mila Kunis, and was taken in custody.

Colorado woman must turn over computer hard drive

(AP) -- Readily available, easy-to-use software can encrypt a computer hard drive so thoroughly it would take years for a hacker to break in. But that seems to be no impediment for government prosecutors, who have obtained ...

NY attorney general ends lawsuit against Intel

(AP) -- Intel Corp. is paying $6.5 million as part of a deal to terminate an antitrust lawsuit filed against the chip-maker by the New York attorney general's office.

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