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Google temporarily disables 'Realtime' search

Google Inc. has temporarily shut down a search engine feature that allows users to find real-time updates from Twitter, Facebook, FriendFeed and other social networking sites.

Brain Endocast of Nanjing 1 Homo erectus Reconstructed

Endocasts are the most direct evidence for studying human brain evolution. Endocasts can provide information on brain size, general shape, morphology, and anatomical features of the external surface. Dr. WU Xiujie, Institute ...

Latest data breach strikes at financial security

(AP) -- Citigroup's disclosure that the names, account numbers and email addresses of 200,000 of its credit card customers were stolen strikes at the core of modern-day financial life - the ways people buy groceries and ...

Hybrid possum gives endangered species a chance

Australian researchers have successfully bred two genetically distinct Mountain Pygmy-possums, playing a major role in preventing the endangered population in the Victorian Alpine region from further decline.

Spammers target Facebook

Interested in a free iPad like the one your Facebook friend got by filling out a survey?

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