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The dark dunes of Mars: Moreux crater

Known for its wide swathes of rippling, textured, gently sloping dunes, the Terra Sabaea region on Mars is home to many fascinating geological features—including the prominent Moreux crater, the star of a new image from ...

Image: Bolivian highland heart

For Valentine's Day, we bring you this Copernicus Sentinel-2 image capturing a beautiful heart-shaped geographical formation in the dramatic landscape of the southern highlands of Bolivia.

Detecting solar flares, more in real time

Computers can learn to find solar flares and other events in vast streams of solar images and help NOAA forecasters issue timely alerts, according to a new study. The machine-learning technique, developed by scientists at ...

Flour power: How shoppers choose which bread to buy

You're standing in the bread aisle, faced with an array of loaves with a variety of claims. There's low GI, multigrain, added vitamins, unbleached, gluten free... Which one do you buy? And what is the main influence on that ...

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