Related topics: google · consumers

Automakers embrace high-tech in safety drive

Automakers displaying the latest technology at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) are relying on sensors, digital cameras and connectivity in a drive towards a common goal -- eliminating accidents.

Millipede border control better than ours

A mysterious line where two millipede species meet has been mapped in northwest Tasmania, Australia. Both species are common in their respective ranges, but the two millipedes cross very little into each other's territory. ...

German museum returning Namibian skulls

(AP) -- Namibian tribal leaders were taking possession Friday of the skulls of 20 of their countrymen, taken by German colonial forces more than a century ago for racial experiments.

Advertisers scan faces to tailor pitches

Picture this: You stop in front of a digital advertising display at a mall and suddenly an ad pops up touting makeup, followed by one for shoes and then one for butter pecan ice cream.

Tracker reveals how you will fare in EVs

( -- Drivers come in all shapes and personality sizes. Different heat and air conditioning needs. Different braking styles. Different climates. Different terrains. When it will come to buying an electric vehicle ...

Diamonds pinpoint start of colliding continents

Jewelers abhor diamond impurities, but they are a bonanza for scientists. Safely encased in the super-hard diamond, impurities are unaltered, ancient minerals that can tell the story of Earth's distant past. Researchers analyzed ...

New discovery places turtles next to lizards on family tree

( -- Where do turtles belong on the evolutionary tree? For decades, the mystery has proven as tough to crack as the creatures' shells. With their body armor and retractable heads, turtles are such unique creatures ...

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