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Latvia's to 'mature' after teen suicide uproar

Caught in a storm over a British teenager's suicide, Latvia's huge social networking website has pledged to make changes and "mature", though supporters say it's being made a scapegoat.

Extinct ancient ape did not walk like a human, study shows

According to a new study, led by University of Texas at Austin anthropologists Gabrielle A. Russo and Liza Shapiro, the 9- to 7-million-year-old ape from Italy did not, in fact, walk habitually on two legs.

Facebook pushes search feature to more users

Users who may have grown frustrated with Facebook's rudimentary search feature are getting an updated version designed to make it easier to find people, places and photos on the site.

Stray gases found in water wells near shale gas sites

Homeowners living within one kilometer of shale gas wells appear to be at higher risk of having their drinking water contaminated by stray gases, according to a new Duke University-led study.

Tech companies eye security that goes beyond passwords

In late February, a thief or thieves cracked into Evernote's digital vault filled with log-ins, passwords and email addresses belonging to 50 million users. It was a shocking cyberattack considering the Redwood City, Calif., ...

Not all new Apple features made the spotlight

With such a plethora of fancy new features from the iOS 7 and OS X Mavericks operating systems that Apple Inc. unleashed upon the world at this week's Worldwide Developers conference in San Francisco, it was inevitable that ...

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