Related topics: google ยท consumers

Detecting solar flares, more in real time

Computers can learn to find solar flares and other events in vast streams of solar images and help NOAA forecasters issue timely alerts, according to a new study. The machine-learning technique, developed by scientists at ...

Flour power: How shoppers choose which bread to buy

You're standing in the bread aisle, faced with an array of loaves with a variety of claims. There's low GI, multigrain, added vitamins, unbleached, gluten free... Which one do you buy? And what is the main influence on that ...

Fractured ice sheets on Mars

Where the two hemispheres of Mars meet, the planet is covered in broken-up terrain: a sign that slow-but-steady flows of icy material once forged their way through the landscape, carving out a fractured web of valleys, cliffs ...

'Fungal feature tracker' could accelerate mycology research

A new software tool called Fungal Feature Tracker could accelerate understanding of fungal morphology and growth. Guillermo Vidal-Diez de Ulzurrun and colleagues in the laboratory led by Yen-Ping Hsueh at Academia Sinica, ...

When the big yellow bus goes green

Every year, car manufacturers roll out new models with sleek styling, improved safety features and better fuel economy. Yet there's one vehicle on the road that has remained almost unchanged since the 1970s: the yellow school ...

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