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Identifying structural defects during driving electronic devices

A research team from Korea has discovered the blocking phenomenon of electrons generated during high-speed driving of oxide semiconductors and proved its causes for the first time in the world. It is expected to be used for ...

The dark side of helping coworkers

If you show up at work tired, you may want to focus strictly on your own tasks. New research suggests helping coworkers in the morning can lead to mental exhaustion and self-serving behavior in the afternoon that ultimately ...

Compassion fatigue widespread among foster carers

The needs of children traumatised through abuse, neglect and loss, combined with a lack of appropriate support from fostering agencies, means that many foster carers are suffering from compassion fatigue, according to new ...

Smart phones spot tired drivers

An electronic accelerometer of the kind found in most smart phones that let the device determine its orientation and respond to movement, could also be used to save lives on our roads, according to research to be published ...

How to alert drivers to fatigue

Frank Black is a professional truck driver, having clocked up nearly three decades travelling the breadth of Australia. But every time he gets into his cab, Black thinks about driver fatigue; over the years he has lost several ...

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