Related topics: children

'Love hormone' guides young songbirds in choice of 'voice coach'

Oxytocin, the so-called "love hormone," plays a key role in the process of how a young zebra finch learns to sing by imitating its elders, suggests a new study by neuroscientists at Emory University. Scientific Reports has ...

Mother is ?more essential? to orphans than breadwinner father

( -- The role of a mother in African families is even more essential to the well-being of a child than the role played by the breadwinner father, according to a study published in the latest issue of the journal ...

Celebrate the centennial of historic radio broadcasts

Charles Herrold isn't going to be forgotten this year. What do you mean, "Who's Charles Herrold?" This is just the sort of thing San Jose, Calif., boosters and radio fans - two in particular - have been fighting against ...

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