Related topics: children

Female mice prefer unfamiliar male songs

Female mice prefer songs of mice that are different from their parents when selecting a mate, according to a study published February 5, 2014 in PLOS ONE by Akari Asaba from the Azabu University, Japan, and colleagues. Furthermore, ...

Do US men value fatherhood over their careers?

The classic figure of a distant, career-focused father who spends lots of time at the office and who has little time for his kids might be getting outdated, a new study shows.

Why Russian attitudes to fatherhood are taking so long to change

While middle-class men are increasingly adopting new attitudes to fatherhood and often share parenting responsibilities with their wives, the situation has hardly changed at all for working-class families in which conservative ...

Boys suffer from their fathers' long working hours

Fathers' extremely long working hours can be detrimental to their sonsĀ“ wellbeing. This is the key finding of a longitudinal study by Jianghong Li (senior researcher at the WZB Berlin Social Science Center) and four Australian ...

When leaving your wealth to your sister's children makes sense

In most human societies, men pass on their worldly goods to their wife's children. But in about ten percent of societies, men transfer their wealth to their sister's sons, a process called matrilineal inheritance. A new study ...

Paid family leave more enticing for dads, but not a game-changer

Recent headlines suggest that it is becoming more common for men to take advantage of paid parental leave options, but University of Virginia professor Christopher Ruhm has found that it's a little more complicated than that.

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