Related topics: outbreak

Norway to ban fur farms by 2025

Norway's government on Wednesday detailed plans to ban fur farms by 2025, offering financial compensation to farmers who blasted it as a "historic betrayal".

Opinion: Six ways the meat on your plate is killing the planet

When we hear about the horrors of industrial livestock farming – the pollution, the waste, the miserable lives of billions of animals – it is hard not to feel a twinge of guilt and conclude that we should eat less meat.

Chile salmon industry swims against current

Salmon are leaping in their millions from Chilean fish farms to US, Japanese and European dining tables—but surging demand and environmental concerns have Chile wriggling on the hook.

Offshore wind turbines vulnerable to Category 5 hurricane gusts

Offshore wind turbines built according to current standards may not be able to withstand the powerful gusts of a Category 5 hurricane, creating potential risk for any such turbines built in hurricane-prone areas, new University ...

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