Knowledge of bacteria's origin and spread can prevent disease

Salmonella Typhimurium DT104 is an aggressive type of bacteria, which is particularly problematic because it has developed resistance to a number of antimicrobials and has been able to quickly spread throughout the world. ...

New insights into the family tree of modern turtles

Today's sea turtles are the sole survivors of a once diverse ecosystem of marine reptiles from the age of dinosaurs. Sea turtles first appeared during the Cretaceous period, 130-140 million years ago and likely evolved from ...

A squeeze down a narrow crack, and then an amazing discovery

Jagged rocks hooked into Steven Tucker's overalls as he squeezed through a crack deep in a subterranean cave. Upon emerging at the other end, he saw he was in a chamber with stalactites hanging from the ceiling. Then his ...

Tree ant family tree reveals ant swimming evolution

Life in the forest canopy is precarious: lose your footing and you could rule yourself out of the evolutionary arms race. Yet this hazard has not deterred many tropical ants from making their homes amongst the branches. In ...

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