Largest group of fossil humans are Neanderthals after all

( -- The world's largest known sample of fossil humans has been classified as the species Homo heidelbergensis but in fact are early Neanderthals, according to a study by Prof Chris Stringer of the Natural History ...

Archaeopteryx and the dinosaur-bird family tree

The magpie-sized Archaeopteryx had bird and dinosaur features and helped show that birds evolved from dinosaurs. However, recent research in the journal Nature questions its position in the dinosaur-bird family tree.

Family tree branches out

( -- UNSW anthropologist Dr Darren Curnoe has identified another new early human ancestor in South Africa ? the earliest recognised species of Homo.

'Relentless cyclones' continue to batter US state of California

A "relentless parade of cyclones" hitting the US state of California was expected to shift farther to the north, the US National Weather Service said Thursday, as the region continued to struggle with massive floods and landslides.

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