Rejuvenating metallic glass to prevent fracturing

A team of researchers from the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the University of Cambridge has found a way to rejuvenate metallic glass to prevent it from fracturing. In their paper published in the journal Nature, the group ...

Could climate change cause infertility?

The scientific community has long held an understanding about the effect of temperature on sperm production in mammals, but this new study sheds light on how spermatogenesis in insects is hampered at extreme temperatures.

Thousands evacuated as Australian bushfires rage

Thousands of people were being evacuated from their homes in northeast Australia late Wednesday, as bushfires raged across Queensland state amid a scorching heatwave.

Image: Satellite views fires raging in California

More than a dozen wildfires are burning in the state of California, with several of them threatening life and property. The Ferguson Fire (right) ignited July 13 in the Sierra National Forest west of Yosemite National Park. ...

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