Related topics: physical activity · brain · diet · weight loss · obesity

Men work out on time borrowed from women: study

Men appear to "borrow" free time from their female partners to keep up their exercise but women don't get the same time in return, according to new research from The Australian National University (ANU) published in the Journal ...

Researchers have a formula for getting in the flow

The immersive and often exhilarating experience of "flow" while playing sports, making art, or working is a much sought-after state of mind associated with peak creativity and productivity, which is why artificial intelligence ...

Core strength could help dogs avoid knee injuries

Agility dogs lacking core strength from routine physical exercise and those participating in activities like flyball may be more susceptible to one of the most common canine knee injuries.

AI-driven dynamic face mask adapts to exercise, pollution levels

During the coronavirus pandemic, many people have grown accustomed to wearing face masks to protect themselves and others, but that doesn't mean the masks are always comfortable—especially during exercise. Now, researchers ...

Getting oxygenated blood to exercising muscles

ETH Zurich Professor Katrien De Bock and her team have discovered a certain type of blood vessel cell in muscles that multiplies rapidly upon exercise, thereby forming new blood vessels. Researchers can use this to find novel ...

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