AI-generated exam submissions evade detection at UK university

In a test of the examinations system of the University of Reading in the UK, artificial intelligence (AI)-generated submissions went almost entirely undetected, and these fake answers tended to receive higher grades than ...

Surprising study results: Students are bored during exams

In the case of boredom, we think of many situations in life but intuitively not of exams. However, an international team of academics led by Thomas Götz from the University of Vienna has now studied exactly this phenomenon ...

Students' genes cannot accurately predict educational achievement

Pupils' genetic data do not predict their educational outcomes with sufficient accuracy and shouldn't be used to design a genetically personalized curriculum or tailor teaching, according to a new University of Bristol study. ...

Japanese robot to sit top-ranked university exam

Japanese researchers are working on a robot they hope will be smart enough to ace entrance exams at the nation's top university, which test everything from maths to foreign languages.

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