Research on the wisdom of crowds: Making the bandwagon better

With a web browser or a cellphone, consumers today are making decisions about causes to fund, stocks to pick, movies to watch, restaurants to visit, products to buy and music to hear partly based on the answer to a single ...

Counting orangutan nests to estimate orangutan population

A general misconception about estimating wildlife population is that it is a simple calculation of individual animals. Much like how we do a headcount at school, orangutans too, can be counted in a similar way in the wild.

Physics: Not everything is where it seems to be

Scientists at TU Wien, the University of Innsbruck and the ÖAW have for the first time demonstrated a wave effect that can lead to measurement errors in the optical position estimation of objects. The work now published ...

The faulty yardstick in genomics studies and how to cope with it

Geneticists use standards to reconstruct the history of a species or to evaluate the impact of mutations, in the form of genetic markers scattered throughout the genome. Provided these markers are neutral, i.e. that they ...

Averaging the wisdom of crowds

The best decisions are made on the basis of the average of various estimates, as confirmed by the research of Dennie van Dolder and Martijn van den Assem, scientists at VU Amsterdam. Using data from Holland Casino promotional ...

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