'Cowcatcher' enzyme fixes single-strand DNA

Every time one of your cells divides, it exposes its most essential component to great danger: its genome, the sum total of all its genetic information, embodied in the double-stranded helix of DNA. Prior to cell division, ...

Eye-tracking could outshine passwords if made user-friendly

(Phys.org) —It's a wonder we still put up with passwords. We forget our highly secretive combinations, so we frequently have them reset and sent to our cellphones and alternative email addresses. We come up with clever ...

The Higgs boson: One year on

A year ago today, physicists from the ATLAS and CMS experiments at CERN proudly announced the discovery of a new boson looking very much like the Higgs boson.

New research method aims to unlock academia's biggest problem

Scientists at Keele University have found a solution to one of life's great mysteries: Why people often fail to see the answer to a problem when the solution is right in front of them. The researchers have created a new method, ...

Explainer: What is geoblocking?

So you sit down in front of your computer to catch the latest episode of Doctor Who directly from BBC's iPlayer, and you are greeted by an error message informing you that the program will play only in the UK. So why are ...

Verification testing of Japan's first medical body area network

Fujitsu today announced that it has successfully completed the first verification test in Japan for a medical body area network (mBAN). Conforming to IEEE 802. 15.6 standards and using a prototype device with a frequency ...

Clones of clones can make clones

Since the first reports of successful cloning of mammals by somatic cell nuclear transfer, concerns have been raised about the efficiency and repeatability of cloning techniques, and the health of cloned offspring. Although ...

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