Related topics: cells · cancer cells · protein

Cells in fish's spinal discs repair themselves

Duke researchers have discovered a unique repair mechanism in the developing backbone of zebrafish that could give insight into why spinal discs of longer-lived organisms like humans degenerate with age.

How cells communicate to move together as a group

When an individual cell needs to move somewhere, it manages just fine on its own. It extends protrusions from its leading edge and retracts the trailing edge to scoot itself along, without having to worry about what the other ...

Seeing the world through fresh eyes

There are many different structures in our eyes that work in conjunction to allow us to see. These structures are strikingly similar between different species, from zebrafish to humans. The growth of ocular tissues must be ...

Engineer develops model to predict behavior of cell clusters

An engineer at Washington University in St. Louis discovered a model in which the mechanics of the cells' environment can predict their movement, a finding that ultimately could mean confining cell transition in tumors and ...

Cold plasma will heal non-healing wounds

Russian scientists have found that treating cells with cold plasma leads to their regeneration and rejuvenation. This result can be used to develop a plasma therapy program for patients with non-healing wounds. The paper ...

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