EPA postpones decision on 15 percent blend for ethanol

The Environmental Protection Agency said Tuesday that it will make a formal decision next year on whether to allow a 15 percent blend of ethanol in domestic gasoline, after initial tests showed that cars can run on the fuel.

How ammonia affects city's air

(PhysOrg.com) -- Motor vehicles and industry are primary producers of ammonia in Houston's atmosphere, and cars and trucks appear to boost their output during the winter, according to a new study by researchers at Rice University ...

Gulf oil spill panel to look at root causes

(AP) -- The new presidential oil spill commission will focus on how safety, government oversight and the ability to clean up spills haven't kept up with advances in drilling technology, the panel's leaders say.

GE to pay 500 mln dollars for New York river cleanup

General Electric said Thursday it will soon complete a 500-million-dollar toxic waste cleanup project in New York's Hudson river to settle a decades-old battle with US environmental authorities.

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