Producing clean water in an emergency

Disasters such as floods, tsunamis, and earthquakes often result in the spread of diseases like gastroenteritis, giardiasis and even cholera because of an immediate shortage of clean drinking water. Now, chemistry researchers ...

US greenhouse gases back up after decline

US emissions of greenhouse gases blamed for climate change rose in 2010, ending a brief downward turn as the world's largest economy gradually recovers from recession, official data showed Monday.

EPA takes new look at gas drilling, water issues

(AP) -- So vast is the wealth of natural gas locked into dense rock deep beneath Pennsylvania, New York, West Virginia and Ohio that some geologists estimate it's enough to supply the entire East Coast for 50 years.

W.Va. spill exposes a new risk to water from coal

The chemical spill that contaminated water for hundreds of thousands of West Virginians is just the latest and most high-profile case of coal polluting the nation's waters.

US boosts radiation monitoring in western states

The United States is deploying extra radiation monitors to western US outposts Alaska, Hawaii and Guam to detect any fallout from Japan's crippled nuclear plant, an official said Thursday.

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