Catching ultrafine emissions could help develop cleaner cars

Modern engines—in particular those which inject fuel at high pressure—maximise efficiency and cut carbon dioxide emissions, but may also release harder-to-catch pollution associated with cancers and lung, heart and Alzheimer's ...

VW board eyes damage claims against former CEO Winterkorn

A VW spokesman says the German automaker's supervisory board is checking whether it can demand damage claims from former VW CEO Martin Winterkorn in connection with the company's diesel emissions cheating scandal.

Will electric vehicles take over the world?

As more people and goods move around the planet, our cars, planes, trains, and ships are having a growing impact on the climate. Transportation now generates almost a quarter of the world's greenhouse gas emissions, and in ...

Risks of manipulating the global thermostat

If someone offered you a magic pill that claimed to cure all health ailments, would you take it? Let's say you did. Perhaps you'd start eating pizza and ice cream for every meal, since proper nutrition would no longer be ...

World mayors pledge emissions-free cities by 2030

The mayors of London, Los Angeles, Paris and several other major world cities are pledging to ban gasoline and diesel vehicles from "large parts" of their cities by 2030.

Daimler profits hit by costs of diesel emissions recall

German automaker Daimler said Friday that its net profit fell 16 percent in the third quarter as a voluntary recall to improve diesel emissions hurt earnings at its Mercedes-Benz luxury car brand.

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