Researchers harness the sun to produce hydrogen gas from water

A team of chemistry researchers at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill has developed a unique approach to harnessing the sun's energy to produce hydrogen gas, a potential clean energy source, from water, according ...

How to curb emissions? Put a price on carbon

Literally putting a price on carbon pollution and other greenhouse gasses is the best approach for nurturing the rapid growth of renewable energy and reducing emissions.

Firms push hydrogen as top green energy source

Over a dozen leading European and Asian firms have teamed up to promote the use of hydrogen as a clean fuel and cut the production of harmful gasses that lead to global warming.

The hidden power of moss

( -- Scientists at Cambridge University are exhibiting a prototype table that demonstrates how biological fuel cells can harness energy from plants.

A tree may have the answers to renewable energy

Through an energy conversion process that mimics that of a tree, a University of Wisconsin-Madison materials scientist is making strides in renewable energy technologies for producing hydrogen.

Firm believes it can tap the potential of geothermal energy

TerraCOH's vision is grand. The fledgling firm would use carbon dioxide emissions - a nemesis to the planet - to power a geothermal energy system, which would in turn produce low-cost, clean electricity.

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