On the cusp of valleytronics

Research into harnessing two-dimensional (2-D) materials for everyday devices has had some ups and downs. However, the emerging field of valleytronics is using energy troughs to offer renewed potential.

Methane-based fuels for the transport and energy sectors

The lead project "Methane from Renewable Sources in Mobile and Stationary Applications" (MethQuest) launched on September 14, 2018 is aimed at developing environmentally compatible, affordable, and feasible approaches to ...

Deep learning stretches up to scientific supercomputers

Machine learning, a form of artificial intelligence, enjoys unprecedented success in commercial applications. However, the use of machine learning in high performance computing for science has been limited. Why? Advanced ...

Public divides over environmental regulation and energy policy

A 54% majority of U.S. adults believe that "government regulations are necessary to encourage businesses and consumers to rely more on renewable energy sources," while 38% support the notion that "the private marketplace ...

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