Related topics: physical activity · food intake · obesity

Urban athletes show that for orangutans, it pays to sway

Swaying trees is the way to go, if you are a primate crossing the jungle. Using human street athletes as stand-ins for orangutans, researchers have measured the energy required to navigate a forest using different strategies ...

Elaborate plumage due to testosterone?

( -- In many bird species males have a more elaborate plumage than females. This elaborate plumage is often used to signal body condition, to intimidate rivals or to attract potential mates. In many cases plumage ...

Whale sharks do the math to avoid that sinking feeling

They are the largest fish species in the ocean, but the majestic gliding motion of the whale shark is, scientists argue, an astonishing feat of mathematics and energy conservation. In new research published today in the British ...

FIT4Green ICT project aims to save up to 20 percent of energy

VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland is participating in an EU project FIT4Green which targets to provide at least 20% saving in direct server and network devices energy consumption and induce an additional 30% saving ...

Desert bats reveal the secret of their survival

This is surprising as with large naked wings and the energy they expend in flight, bats are expected to have high rates of water loss by evaporation, say the scientists from the Ben-Gurion University in Israel.

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