Improving indoor air quality during wildfires

In California and other U.S. western states, wildfires have become more frequent and intense, adversely impacting air quality and human health. Smoke from wildfires contains many toxins and irritants, including particles ...

Cleaning up 'dirty' ceramic tile production

Energy efficiency in kilns and other process stages of ceramics production are quite low and pollutants are currently emitted at unsustainable levels. But as costs for fossil fuels rise and governments impose ever tighter ...

Would a carbon tax help to innovate more-efficient energy use?

Taxing carbon emissions would drive innovation and lead to improved energy efficiency, according to a new paper published in Joule from Carnegie's Rong Wang (now at Fudan University), Harry Saunders, and Ken Caldeira, along ...

Researchers use AI to plot green route to nylon

The chemical and allied industries face such challenges as ready access to reliable energy supplies, waste reduction, water conservation, and energy efficiency. Organic electrosynthesis—an electricity-driven, energy-efficient ...

Physicists create world's smallest engine

Theoretical physicists at Trinity College Dublin are among an international collaboration that has built the world's smallest engine—which, as a single calcium ion, is approximately ten billion times smaller than a car ...

Ammonia for fuel cells

Fuel cells are pollution-free power sources that convert chemical energy to electricity with high efficiency and zero emissions. Fuel cell cars, trucks, and buses would allow people to travel long distances with convenient ...

China may be on track to meet its carbon emissions goals early

China, the world's largest carbon emitter today, may be on track to meet its emission goals up to a decade early, according to a recent study on the cover of Nature Sustainability led by researchers from Nanjing University ...

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