Related topics: energy · greenhouse gas emissions

Cities under pressure

Cities to swelter as planners face unenviable trade-off between tackling climate change and quality of life, new research has shown.

2018 spike in energy demand spells climate trouble: IEA

A 2.3 percent jump in global energy demand last year outstripped the expansion of renewables and helped drive record-high greenhouse gas emissions, the International Energy Agency (IEA) said Tuesday.

Global energy demand to soar one third by 2040: BP

Global energy demand will surge by a third over the next two decades on advancing prosperity, but Indian demand growth will eclipse that of flagging giant China, Britain's BP forecast Thursday.

State-of-the-art climate model shows how we can solve crisis

We are already seeing the devastating consequences of global warming, with ever-rising sea levels, extreme storms, prolonged droughts and intensified bushfires. Now, after two years of research and modelling, scientists have ...

How is oxygen 'sucked out' of our waterways?

A million fish have died in the Murray Darling basin, as oxygen levels plummet due to major algal blooms. Experts have warned we could see more mass deaths this week.

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