Study builds on plausible scenario for origin of life on Earth

A relatively simple combination of naturally occurring sugars and amino acids offers a plausible route to the building blocks of life, according to a paper published in Nature Chemistry co-authored by a professor at the University ...

Researchers access both enantiomers by varying reaction time

Homochirality is a fundamental feature of all living organism. It is well known that a pair of enantiomers of chiral drug molecules, whose structures have a non-superimposable mirror-image relationship to each other, will ...

New membrane efficiently separates mirrored molecules

Prof. Liu Bo and colleagues at the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) have developed a chiral separation membrane capable of capturing left-handed chiral molecules and releasing the right-handed counterpart ...

The multitasking catalyst

Professor Takashi Ooi and his team of researchers from Nagoya University, Japan, have designed a catalyst that performs two tasks during the course of the reaction.

A second ascent of chemistry's Mt. Everest

In science's equivalent of ascending Mt. Everest, researchers are reporting success in one of the most difficult challenges in synthetic chemistry—a field in which scientists reproduce natural and other substances from ...

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