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Google steps up bid to stymie email snooping

Google stepped up its effort Wednesday to make it tougher for spies or anyone else to snoop on email, unveiling Chrome browser software for scrambling digital messages.

Volume of encrypted email rising amid spying fears (Update 2)

The volume of email cloaked in encryption technology is rapidly rising as Google, Yahoo, Facebook and other major Internet companies try to shield their users' online communications from government spies and other snoops.

NSA finds no emails from Snowden about wrongdoing

The National Security Agency says so far it can't find any emails from former systems analyst Edward Snowden complaining about wrongdoing or abuse regarding U.S. surveillance programs.

Virtual dam on after-hours emails tackles burnout

As smartphones and portable devices increasingly dominate our working lives, moves are afoot in France and Germany to prevent the little electronic miracle workers from encroaching on people's private lives as well.

US hacking victims fell prey to mundane ruses

The hacking techniques the U.S. government says China used against American companies turned out to be disappointingly mundane, tricking employees into opening email attachments or clicking on innocent-looking website links.

France's Orange hit by hackers data raid

Hackers have stolen the personal data of 1.3 million customers of French telephone company Orange, in the second major breach of its kind in a matter of months.

AOL probes breach allowing hackers to spoof email

AOL said Monday it had launched an investigation with federal authorities into a security breach that allowed hackers to gain access to around two percent of its email accounts.

Laptop used for first US presidential email finds a buyer

The laptop computer that Bill Clinton used in 1998 to send the first-ever US presidential email has sold for $60,667 in an online auction, the Boston auction house that handled the transaction said Thursday.

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