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Dropbox says 68 million user IDs stolen

Cloud-based data storage company Dropbox said Thursday that user IDs and passwords of some 68 million clients were stolen four years ago and recently leaked onto the internet.

Ukrainian hackers leak IDs, personal data of journalists

A Ukrainian nationalist website has published what it says is an email archive with copies of IDs and personal data of Ukrainian and international journalists, raising new concerns about their safety.

WikiLeaks, NSA leaker Edward Snowden clash on Twitter

National Security Agency leaker Edward Snowden and transparency website WikiLeaks are clashing over how best to handle the publication of sensitive data, a spat played out over Twitter.

Democratic Party's computers breached by Russian hackers

Sophisticated hackers linked to Russian intelligence services broke into the Democratic National Committee's computer networks and gained access to confidential emails, chats and opposition research on presumptive Republican ...

Clinton email use broke federal rules: inspector's report

Hillary Clinton and her team ignored clear guidance from the State Department that her email setup broke federal standards and could leave sensitive material vulnerable to hackers, a department audit has found. Her aides ...

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