New technique could make modeling molecules much easier

Much like the humans that created them, computers find physics hard, but quantum mechanics even harder. But a new technique created by three University of Chicago scientists allows computers to simulate certain challenging ...

Graphene on its way to conquer Silicon Valley

The remarkable material graphene promises a wide range of applications in future electronics that could complement or replace traditional silicon technology. Researchers of the Electronic Properties of Materials Group at ...

The taming of the light screw

DESY and MPSD scientists have created high-order harmonics from solids with controlled polarization states, taking advantage of both crystal symmetry and attosecond electronic dynamics. The newly demonstrated technique might ...

DNA can fold into complex shapes to execute new functions

DNA can mimic protein functions by folding into elaborate, three-dimensional structures, according to a study from researchers at Weill Cornell Medicine and the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, part of the National ...

New player emerges in mapping protein structures

( —If you keep up with biology, you've probably seen those colorful images in which the atom-by-atom structure of a protein is portrayed by a tangle of ribbons. For the past couple of decades, scientists have been ...

Building a better battery

A new battery technology provides double the energy storage at lower cost than the batteries that are used in handheld electronics, electric vehicles, aerospace and defence.

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