Tough, flexible sensor invented for wearable tech

Researchers have used 3-D printing and nanotechnology to create a durable, flexible sensor for wearable devices to monitor everything from vital signs to athletic performance.

Carrier-assisted differential detection

Hyperscale datacenters have sprung up across the globe rapidly. This generate tremendous demand for high-capacity, cost-effective optical communication links that interconnect them. Engineers at the University of Melbourne ...

Computing with molecules: A big step in molecular spintronics

Spintronics or spin electronics in contrast to conventional electronics uses the spin of electrons for sensing, information storage, transport, and processing. Potential advantages are nonvolatility, increased data processing ...

Electronic signal expands material by a factor of 100

Researchers at the Laboratory of Organic Electronics, Linkoping University, have discovered a material that can both increase and reduce its volume when exposed to a weak electrical pulse. In a sponge, or filter, the researchers ...

Jumping the gap may make electronics faster

A quasi-particle that travels along the interface of a metal and dielectric material may be the solution to problems caused by shrinking electronic components, according to an international team of engineers.

How viruses outsmart their host cells

Viruses depend on host cells for replication, but how does a virus induce its host to transcribe its own genetic information alongside that of the virus, thus producing daughter viruses? For decades, researchers have been ...

Learning transistor mimics the brain

A new transistor based on organic materials has been developed by scientists at Linköping University. It has the ability to learn, and is equipped with both short-term and long-term memory. The work is a major step on the ...

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