Artificial sensor mimics human sense of touch

A team of researchers have developed an artificial tactile sensor that mimics the ability of human skin to detect surface information, such as shapes, patterns and structures. This may be one step closer to making electronic ...

Electronic nose recognizes a variety of scents

Freshly ground coffee, popcorn, biowaste or smoke – in the course of life, we get to know different scents and thanks to our nose, we distinguish and identify them even without seeing their source. Scientists of Karlsruhe ...

Lining MOF pockets to detect noxious gases

A porous material with tailor-made pockets stitched into its structure is a promising material for sensing noxious gases. A thin film of the material, coated onto an electrode, formed an electronic sensor that could detect ...

Touch-sensitive avatar-robotic arm based on real-time haptics

Researchers at Keio University's Haptics Research Center have developed a 'real-time-avatar-robotic arm' that transmits sound, vision, and highly sensitive feelings of touch to remotely located users. This innovative touch ...

Graphene enables high-speed electronics on flexible materials

A flexible detector for terahertz frequencies (1000 gigahertz) has been developed by Chalmers researchers using graphene transistors on plastic substrates. It is the first of its kind, and can extend the use of terahertz ...

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