CERN continues the hunt for the Higgs

( -- It has just been decided that CERN will run for the next two years without a break. The Higgs could be within reach sooner than previously thought so all researchers are keen to continue the experiments in ...

ALICE shines at STFC Daresbury Laboratory

A light source of unprecedented brilliance, the technology of which is poised to be responsible for significant advancements in fields such as healthcare, materials science and sustainable energy and to open up vast new areas ...

Toyota disputes critic who blames electronics

(AP) -- Toyota gave detailed evidence Monday that it says disproves claims that electronics may cause the unwanted acceleration that led to the recall of more than 8 million cars and trucks.

New results confirm standard neutrino theory

( -- In its search for a better understanding of the mysterious neutrinos, a group of experimenters at DOE’s Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory has announced results that confirm the theory of neutrino oscillations ...

Crashing the size barrier

Like surfers on monster waves, electrons can ride waves of plasma to very high energies in a very short distance. Scientists have proven that plasma acceleration works. Now they're developing it as a way to dramatically shrink ...

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