Spacecraft navigation uses X-rays from dead stars

The remnants of a collapsed neutron star, called a pulsar, are magnetically charged and spinning anywhere from one rotation per second to hundreds of rotations per second. These celestial bodies, each 12 to 15 miles in diameter, ...

Controlling chemical mirror images

Chirality, while not a rarity in the world of molecules, is nevertheless a special property. If a molecule is chiral (from the Greek word chiros = hand), it exists in two mirrored versions that are very similar but not identical—like ...

Underwater power cables make lobsters bad swimmers

Lobster larvae exposed to the electromagnetic field of underwater power cables can't swim as well, a new study published in Journal of Marine Science and Engineering shows. They're also three times more likely to be deformed ...

Radio flares observed on a nearby M dwarf star

Using the MeerKAT radio telescope, an international team of astronomers have detected radio flares on a nearby M dwarf star known as SCR 1746−3214. The finding, reported in a paper published April 7 on the pre-print server ...

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