New, high-energy rechargeable batteries

While electric vehicles offer many advantages—including reducing greenhouse gas emissions and the country's dependence on imported petroleum—at least one barrier stands in the way of their large-scale adoption: "range ...

Nonflammable electrolyte for high-performance potassium batteries

Australian scientists have developed a nonflammable electrolyte for potassium and potassium-ion batteries, for applications in next-generation energy-storage systems beyond lithium technology. In the journal Angewandte Chemie, ...

For better li-ion batteries, scientists watch one at work

( —Using x-rays at the National Synchrotron Light Source (NSLS), a group of researchers has studied, in great detail, the nanoscale workings of a lithium-ion battery, learning new information about the chemical ...

Chemists create vitamin-driven battery

A team of University of Toronto chemists has created a battery that stores energy in a biologically derived unit, paving the way for cheaper consumer electronics that are easier on the environment.

A new design for flow batteries

In 2020, China plans to launch the largest battery complex in the world with a capacity of 800 MW*h (approximately this amount of energy per year is consumed by a household with 200 apartments). This complex is based not ...

New fuel cell demonstrates exceptional power density and stability

A team of researchers led by Northwestern University professor and fuel cell pioneer Sossina Haile has created a new fuel cell offering both exceptional power densities and long-term stability at optimal temperatures, a discovery ...

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