Solar hydrogen: Better photoelectrodes through flash heating

Producing low-cost metal-oxide thin films with high electronic quality for solar water splitting is not an easy task. Especially since quality improvements of the upper metal oxide thin films need thermal processing at high ...

Understanding corrosion to enable next-generation metals

Researchers are using new, experimental techniques like Shear Assisted Processing and Extrusion (ShAPE) and friction stir welding to produce metal components that are lighter, stronger, and more precise than ever before. ...

New polymers could enable better wearable devices

Certain electronics that integrate with the human body—a smartwatch that samples your sweat, for instance—work by converting the ion-based signals of biological tissue into the electron-based signals used in transistors. ...

A 'super sensor' for cancer and CSIs

Like the sensitive seismographs that can pick up tremors of impending earthquakes long before they strike, a similar invention from Tel Aviv University researchers may change the face of molecular biology.

Learning transistor mimics the brain

A new transistor based on organic materials has been developed by scientists at Linköping University. It has the ability to learn, and is equipped with both short-term and long-term memory. The work is a major step on the ...

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