Chunky mobile devices? Soft graphene could help you downsize

Assuming you are geeky enough to open up any mobile device on the market – a phone, tablet or laptop – the most glaringly obvious component of the device is the battery: it generally consumes up to (if not more than) ...

Energy hybrid—battery meets super-capacitor

Researcher at TU Graz demonstrates in Nature Materials that it is possible to combine the high-energy density of batteries with the high-power output of super capacitors in a single system – thanks to liquid energy storage ...

Scientists develop solar-to-fuel roadmap for crystalline silicon

Bringing the concept of an "artificial leaf" closer to reality, a team of researchers at MIT has published a detailed analysis of all the factors that could limit the efficiency of such a system. The new analysis lays out ...

Toward nano-powered cars

How can electric cars increase their driving range before they need to stop and recharge? Traditional batteries cannot keep up with the high storage demand but the complete redesign of lithium ion batteries open up new possibilities

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