Security researchers offer caution on smart grids

(AP) -- The race to build a "smarter" electrical grid could have a dark side. Security experts are starting to show the dangers of equipping homes and businesses with new meters that enable two-way communication with utilities.

AI algorithm keeps a mile-long particle accelerator healthy

Particle accelerators are among the most intricate scientific instruments ever devised. With millions of sensors and thousands of subsystems at risk of failure, these accelerators' human operators must continuously monitor ...

New form of carbon tantalises with prospects for electronics

A newly created form of carbon in a mesh just one atom thick is tantalizing scientists with hints that it could sharply improve rechargeable batteries and allow wires so small that they can operate at a scale where metals ...

'Eavesdropping' on groupers' mating calls key to survival

Eavesdropping on groupers mating in their natural habitats isn't creepy. In fact, it's imperative to ensuring their survival. For years, scientists have used passive acoustic monitoring techniques to study the behavior of ...

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