Related topics: energy

Strong solar flare erupts from sun

The Sun emitted a strong solar flare on Tuesday, May 10, 2022, peaking at 9:55 a.m. EDT. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory, which watches the sun constantly, captured an image of the event.

Sun releases moderate solar flare

The Sun emitted a moderate solar flare on May 4, 2022, peaking at 5:00 a.m. ET. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory, which watches the Sun constantly, captured an image of the event.

New theory explains mystery behind fast magnetic reconnection

When magnetic field lines of opposite directions merge, they create explosions that can release massive amounts of energy. On the sun, the merging of opposing field lines causes solar flares and coronal mass ejections, giant ...

Sun releases moderate and strong solar flares

The Sun emitted two solar flares on April 19, 2022, one moderate peaking at 9:35 p.m. EST and one strong peaking at 11:57 p.m. EST. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory, which watches the Sun constantly, captured an image of ...

Sun releases significant solar flare

The Sun emitted a significant solar flare on April 16, 2022, peaking at 11:34 p.m. EST. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory, which watches the Sun constantly, captured an image of the event.

Significant solar flare erupts from sun

The sun emitted a significant solar flare on March 30, 2022, peaking at 1:35 p.m. EST. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory, which watches the sun constantly, captured an image of the event.

Ultrafast charging of batteries using fully new anode material

By using a fully new material, nickel niobate, for the anode of lithium-ion batteries, the charging speed can be improved by ten times, according to researchers of the University of Twente. This is possible without the risk ...

Lake Maracaibo, lightning capital of the world

One firebolt after another illuminates a stilt-house settlement where the Catatumbo river flows into Venezuela's Lake Maracaibo, the lightning capital of the world.

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