Nanotech Batteries for a New Energy Future

( -- In order to save money and energy, many people are purchasing hybrid electric cars or installing solar panels on the roofs of their homes. But both have a problem -- the technology to store the electrical ...

Modeling energy storage for a decarbonized future

According to the Smart Electric Power Alliance, nearly 75% of Americans are served by an electric utility with a target to fully decarbonize during the next 30 years. As policies are implemented by government and corporate ...

New anode models for green hydrogen production

Researchers from the Interface Science Department at the Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society conducted experiments using atomically defined model pre-catalysts to unveil intricate details of the electrocatalytic ...

Achieving higher performance with potassium ion battery

Supercapacitors are emerging as alternatives to lithium-ion batteries, offering higher power densities and longer lifetimes (number of cycles where capacity is maintained). A supercapacitor is like a cross between a battery ...

Energy-saving servers: Data storage 2.0

Whether it's sending the grandparents a few pictures of the kids, streaming a movie or music, or surfing the Internet for hours, the volume of data our society generates is increasing all the time. But this comes at a price, ...

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