Related topics: sperm · fertilizer · offspring · birds · embryos

Gene discovered crucial to making crop plants produce clonal seeds

Researchers from KeyGene and Wageningen University & Research (WUR), in collaboration with colleagues from Japan and New Zealand, have discovered a gene that will make it possible to produce seeds from crops that are genetically ...

Stem cells organize themselves into embryoid

Researchers at the University of Bonn have developed a method to generate embryo-like cell complexes from the stem cells of mice. The method provides new insights into embryonic development. In the medium term, it might also ...

Nature or nurture: How does an animal get its microbiome?

We know that sharks are voracious eaters, but what do we know about the source of its microbiome? To date, not much. But a recent study from the University of Chicago and the Marine Biological Laboratory (MBL) fills a gap ...

Scientists produce tadpoles better adapted to climate change

In a world-first laboratory trial reported in Communications Biology, a research team at The University of Western Australia have mixed populations to produce tadpoles that would be more tolerant of climate change.

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