Environmental solutions to go global

New Australian technology that could fix some of the world's biggest environmental pollution problems—oil spills, mercury pollution and fertiliser runoff—will soon be available to global markets following the signing ...

The greenbacks in mobile phone mines

No-one who is economically active can afford to go without at least a mobile phone, and at the pace that electronic equipment is re-invented, it's only a matter of time before your 'latest' iPhone 11 ends up on a dump site.

Clean and effective electronic waste recycling

As the number of electronics devices increases around the world, finding effective methods of recycling electronic waste (e-waste) is a growing concern. About 50 million tons of e-waste is generated each year and only 20% ...

Solving the e-waste challenge requires global action

An international team of experts have highlighted the urgent need for global cooperation to reform the e-waste recycling industry and counteract the harm it poses to both human health and environment.

Tackling India's e-waste recycling crisis

India's share of the world's massive e-waste problem has seen unskilled recyclers exposing themselves to dangerous processes. Jeevesh Kumar is working to delete the recycling danger, and reboot the benefits.

Electronic waste is recycled in appalling conditions in India

The world produces 50 million tonnes of electronic and electrical waste (e-waste) per year, according to a recent UN report, but only 20% is formally recycled. Much of the rest ends up in landfill, or is recycled informally ...

War declared on world's growing e-waste crisis

Weighing more than all commercial airliners ever built and worth more than most countries' GDP, electronic waste poses a growing economic and environmental threat, experts said Thursday, as they launched a global initiative ...

E-cigarettes: The new hazardous waste

Single-use plastic straws, bags and coffee pods have captured the attention of the public and legislatures looking to ban products that wind up littering the landscape. But at the same time, e-cigarettes have begun to show ...

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