E-cigarettes and a new threat—how to dispose of them

The two largest global brands of capsule coffee, Nespresso and Keurig, are regarded by many as environmental nightmares. Billions of the throwaway nonrecyclable plastic products currently clutter waste dumps, waterways and ...

Rethinking the electronic waste problem

Our love affair with mobile phones, computers and everything electronic has created a global tsunami of electronic waste. It is estimated that more than 40 million tonnes of e-waste is generated around the world per annum ...

Pulling valuable metals from e-waste makes financial sense

Electronic waste—including discarded televisions, computers and mobile phones—is one of the fastest-growing waste categories worldwide. For years, recyclers have gleaned usable parts, including metals, from this waste ...

UN warns of surging e-waste, little recycling

The UN warned Wednesday that waste from discarded electronics like mobile phones, laptops and refrigerators is piling up worldwide, and it urged far better recycling of the often hazardous rubbish.

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