New algorithms could enhance autonomous spacecraft safety

For humans throughout history, the sky has evoked thoughts of a vast emptiness, of a great vacant dome punctuated during the day by the sun, and at night by numerous tiny spots of light (and periodically by the moon). As ...

Calculating faster: Coupling AI with fundamental physics

Atoms are complex quantum systems consisting of a positively charged nucleus surrounded by negatively charged electrons. When multiple atoms come together to form a molecule, the electrons of the constituent atoms interact ...

Fungi adapt cell walls to evade antifungal drugs

Every year, life-threatening invasive fungal infections afflict more than 2 million individuals globally. Mortality rates for these infections are high, even when patients receive treatment.

Neutrons illuminate environmental and biological mysteries

Neutron techniques have long been valued in various scientific fields for their ability to penetrate materials without altering their structure. However, their use in environmental and biological sciences has been limited. ...

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