New study shows red tides can be predicted

When certain types of algae accumulate at the ocean surface in high numbers, they turn large swaths of water a reddish-brown color, attracting attention for both good and bad reasons.

Researchers develop simplified model of RNA validation

A group from the International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA) in Trieste has developed a faster and simpler method requiring modest resources for validating physical models of RNA used in molecular dynamics. These models ...

System model for calculating mine profitability

A new system dynamic model makes it possible to plan the profitability of mining operations with greater precision than before. Researchers in business at Lappeenranta University of Technology, LUT have developed a model ...

Predicting the extent of flash flooding

Devastating floodwaters such as those experienced during Iowa's Flood of 2008—which swamped many Iowa communities, along with ten square miles of Cedar Rapids—are notoriously difficult to predict.

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