Simulations show effects of buoyancy on drift in Florida Current

Acquiring a better understanding for how objects drift in the ocean has importance for a wide range of uses, like tracking algae, predicting the locations of wreckage and debris and better focusing how to clean up ocean litter. ...

A new approach to reveal the multiple structures of RNA

Experimental data and computer simulations have yielded an innovative technique to characterize the configurations of an RNA molecule. The work, published in Nucleic Acids Research, opens new roads to studying dynamic molecular ...

Using mobile phone data to estimate air pollution exposure

Air pollution is one of the greatest challenges cities are facing today, and improving air quality is a pressing need to reduce negative health impacts. In order to efficiently evaluate which are the most appropriate policies ...

Parasites affect host responses to environmental change

Ignoring the role of parasites may lead to a misinterpretation of organism responses to environmental change, according to an Innovative Viewpoints article by ecologists from the University of Georgia. Their paper, "To improve ...

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