Climate: Could 'Dr. Strangelove' idea be an option?

A controversial idea to brake global warming, first floated by the father of the hydrogen bomb, is affordable and technically feasible, but its environmental impact remains unknown, a trio of US scientists say.

Hidden galactic nuclei

( -- At the core of most galaxies including our own Milky Way is a massive black hole. Material falling into the environment of the black hole heats up, and can radiate dramatically, sometimes also powering the ejection ...

Dust from Asia pollutes US, Canada air: study

Dust and aerosol pollution from Asia travels across the ocean and sullies the air in the United States and Canada, possibly worsening the effects of climate change, a study showed Thursday.

ALMA turns its eyes to Centaurus A

( -- A new image of the galaxy Centaurus A, made with the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA), shows how the observatory allows astronomers to see through the opaque dust lanes that obscure the galaxy's ...

Dusty stellar nurseries from the dark side of a galaxy

( -- A new multi-million pound camera is producing its first detailed pictures of our neighboring galaxies, revealing vast, dusty stellar nurseries where the next generation of stars is being created. "This exquisite ...

The earliest stages of planet formation

( -- Small dust particles in a disk of gas around a young star, according to current models, gradually coagulate during the first million years until kilometer-sized objects are formed. These in turn coalesce ...

Dust makes light work of vehicle emissions

Queensland University of Technology (QUT) researchers have identified a silver lining in the cloud of red dust that enveloped much of eastern Australia two years ago.

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