Related topics: chickens · bird flu

Video: The thousand-year-old egg

Century eggs, or pidan, are a preserved food made by fermenting duck eggs in alkali. The green and black color of these eggs is not very appealing at first blush, and the smell is even worse. However, this Ming dynasty innovation ...

Robot duck's aim: Helps kids with cancer via power of play

A plush, robotic duck may soon become a fixture in the world of children who have cancer—a social robot that can be silly, happy, angry, scared or sick just like them, and help them cope creatively with their illness through ...

Social environment matters for duck penis size

Most birds lack genitalia, but male ducks are known for their long, spiraling penises, which have evolved through an ongoing cat-and-mouse game with females. A new study from The Auk: Ornithological Advances looks at whether ...

Will mallards hybridize their cousins out of existence?

Mallards—the familiar green-headed ducks of city parks—are one of a group of closely related waterfowl species, many of which are far less common. Interbreeding with Mallards can threaten the genetic distinctiveness of ...

Which extinct ducks could fly?

We're all familiar with flightless birds: ostriches, emus, penguins—and ducks? Ducks and geese, part of a bird family called the anatids, have been especially prone to becoming flightless over the course of evolutionary ...

Japan's largest complete dinosaur skeleton discovered

The complete skeleton of an 8-meter-long dinosaur has been unearthed from marine deposits dating back 72 million years at Japan's northern island of Hokkaido, making it the largest dinosaur skeleton ever found in Japan, according ...

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