Team discovers rules for breaking into Pseudomonas

Researchers report in the journal Nature that they have found a way to get antibacterial drugs through the nearly impenetrable outer membrane of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, a bacterium that—once it infects a person—is notoriously ...

Experts urge reforms at FDA to rebuild trust

In a new report aimed at rebuilding trust in health care and science, leading experts urge the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to adopt five reforms to rebuild public trust amid controversies around vaccine approvals.

Yeast speeds discovery of medicinal compounds in plants

Cornell researchers have harnessed the power of baker's yeast to create a cost-effective and highly efficient approach for unraveling how plants synthesize medicinal compounds, and used the new method to identify key enzymes ...

New method to predict the risk of adverse drug events

Studying signaling within cells can predict the risk of adverse drug reactions of novel obesity and type II diabetes treatments before they reach the patient, according to a new study from Karolinska Institutet published ...

Split gene-editing tool offers greater precision

To make a gene-editing tool more precise and easier to control, Rice University engineers split it into two pieces that only come back together when a third small molecule is added.

Mature sperm lack intact mitochondrial DNA, study finds

New research provides insight about the bedrock scientific principle that mitochondrial DNA—the distinct genetic code embedded in the organelle that serves as the powerplant of every cell in the body—is exclusively passed ...

Capturing the chemistry of radium-223 for cancer treatment

Scientists need a better understanding of the chemistry of radium to be able to target the isotope radium-223 (Ra-223) to cancer cells. Once delivered, Ra-223 can destroy those cells with alpha particles, a type of radiation.

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