Droplets levitate on a cushion of blue light

Researchers in France have discovered a new way to levitate liquid droplets, which surprisingly also creates a mini light show, with the droplet sparking as it floats above a faint blue glowing gap.

The Ouzo Effect under the magnifying glass

Pour some water into your glass of ouzo or pastis, and the beverage will change from transparent to milky: this is the well-known 'Ouzo effect'. But what will happen if you simply place a drop of ouzo on a surface and wait? ...

The pitch drops that got the world talking

In light of recent results from the "world's longest experiment", spanning more than 90 years, at the University of Queensland, a group of researchers from Trinity College Dublin explain the background behind their own pitch-drop ...

Nano innovation could mean eye injections are a thing of the past

Drugs used to treat blindness-causing disorders could be successfully administered by eye drops rather than unpleasant and expensive eye injections, according to new research led by UCL scientists that could be a breakthrough ...

The world's cleanest water droplet

In nature, there is no such thing as a truly clean surface. Contact with normal air is sufficient to coat any material with a thin layer of molecules. This "molecular dirt" can change the properties of the material considerably, ...

How water droplets freeze: The physics of ice and snow

Freezing water is a central issue for climate, geology and life. On earth, ice and snow cover 10 percent of the land and up to half of the northern hemisphere in winter. Polar ice caps reflect up to 90 percent of the sun's ...

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